WEAT North Texas Section Blog

Register Now for WEAT November Lunch Meeting!

Register now for the Thursday, November 19 lunch meeting and virtual drone tour of NTMWD Wilson Creek Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant. North Texas Municipal...

In Memory of Wen-Jo “Walter” Chiang 1943-2020

It is with a very heavy heart that we pass along the news of Walter Chiang’s passing away last Friday, 8/07/2020. Walter Chiang radiated...

DWU State of the Union Discussed at November Meeting

The section meeting on November 15 was well attended with standing room only for many members. The presentation was provided by Richard Wagner on...

REGISTER NOW Operational Preparedness: Are You Ready for the Storm?

REGISTER NOW Operational Preparedness: Are You Ready for the Storm? Wednesday, August 8, 2018  |  8:00 AM - 4:30 PM  |  Addison, TX Co-produced...

REGISTER NOW 15th Annual Daryl Hall Memorial Golf Tournament

REGISTER NOW 15th Annual Daryl Hall Memorial Golf Tournament Friday, September 14, 2018  |  7:30 AM shotgun start  |  Fort Worth, TX Benefiting the...

SAVE THE DATE 5th Annual Casino Night Charity Event

5th Annual Casino Night Charity Event Wednesday, September 26, 2018  |  6:00 - 9:00 PM  |  Arlington, TX Presented by Texas AWWA North Central...

WEAT -NTS YP Rock Climbing this Week!

Calling all YPs and YPs at heart for rock climbing at Summit Gym this Thursday July 26 from 5:30pm - 7:30pm!Admission is free and...